Expectations of Inclusionary Program rental leasing agents and owners

If your building contains Inclusionary Housing Program Below Market Rate (BMR) Rental units, they are monitored in collaboration with MOHCD.

What to know

Monitoring procedures and resource

The Inclusionary Housing Program Monitoring and Procedures Manual clarifies rules under the Inclusionary Housing Program, including renter recertification and building monitoring.

What to do

1. Follow Marketing guidelines for new units

You must work through our office to rent your new BMR units. Please review the current pricing and marketing process (including an outreach plan, posting period and lottery).

2. Follow Marketing guidelines for re-rental units

You must work through our office to rent your vacant BMR units. Please review the current re-rental process.

3. Mandatory rental agent training

We require that any BMR rental leasing agent reviewing lottery applications for BMR applicants be trained by our office. Please contact Colette Mauboussin at  to register.

4. Renter eligibility recertification

You must certify renters on an annual basis for continuing eligibility with the program. Please review the renter recertification details and steps to implement the recertification program.

5. Annual Monitoring Reports (AMR)

You must complete an annual report providing information on renter eligibility and BMR units. MOHCD provides training and releases a report template for completing the annual monitoring report. If you are in need of  this template or if you have any questions, please reach out to Justin Chang at

6. Annual rent adjustment

Once renters have been recertified, you may adjust their rent amount on the renter's lease anniversary date. Please review the current rent levels and maximum income levels.

7. Lease addendum or BMR acknowledgment

All leases must include an Inclusionary Housing Program BMR Acknowledgment that is provided by our office. Please reach out to Justin Chang at for a copy of the current BMR acknowledgment or lease addendum.

8. Maintain renter files

You must follow the document retention policies laid out the in the Procedures Manual.


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Additional info

View detailed program information

Visit the primary web source for information pertaining to Inclusionary Housing Program BMR Rental units.