180 Jones RFQ

The City and County of San Francisco (the “City”), acting through the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (“MOHCD”) are seeking submittals from qualified teams to develop permanently affordable and potentially supportive housing on a parcel located at 180 Jones Street that is owned by the City. The parcel, 180 Jones Street (Block 0343, Lot 014), is bound by Jones Street to the west, Turk Street to the north, Taylor Street to the east and Golden Gate Avenue to the south.

Respondents to this Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) must be comprised of the following minimum characteristics:

  • At least one San Francisco-based non-profit development entity as sole developer or joint-venture partner, defined as a nonprofit organization whose mission includes the development of affordable housing in low income communities, with experience developing housing for the proposed target population in San Francisco;
  • A property owner entity with experience owning housing for low income communities and the proposed target population in San Francisco;
  • A property management entity with experience managing housing for low income communities and the proposed target population in San Francisco; and
  • A services-providing entity with experience providing services appropriate for low income communities and the proposed target population in San Francisco.

Due Dates





Responses Due


Inital Posting


RFQ Questions and Requests for Additional Information

Week of 6/17/19

Announcement of Selection of Developer

RFQ and Site Information

Submittal Documents


Joyce Slen at 415-701-5577 or joyce.slen@sfgov.org