600 7th Street RFQ
The City and County of San Francisco (the "City"), acting through the Mayor's Office of Housing and Community Development ("MOHCD") are seeking submittals from qualified teams to work with the City to develop permanently affordable family rental housing to include units serving formerly homeless households, and ground-floor commercial use servicing the surrounding neighborhood. The parcel, 600 7th Street (Block 3783, Lot 010), formerly known as 801 Brannan Street, is bound by 8th Street to the west, Brannan Street to the north, 7th Street to the east and Townsend Street to the south.
Respondents to this Request for Qualifications ("RFQ") must be comprised of the following minimum characteristics:
At least one San Francisco-based non-profit development entity whose mission includes the development of affordable housing in low-income communities with experience developing housing for formerly homeless households acting either as sole developer or as a partner in a joint venture, or joint-venture partner, defined as a nonprofit organization,
A property owner entity with experience owning housing for low-income communities and formerly homeless households;
A property management entity with experience managing housing for low-income communities and formerly homeless households;
At least one services-providing entity with experience providing services appropriate for formerly homeless residents.Â
Due Dates |
Timeline |
6/26/2019 |
Responses Due |
5/17/19 |
Inital Posting |
6/5/2019 |
RFQ Questions and Requests for Additional Information |
Week of 8/26/19 |
Announcement of Selection of Developer |
RFQ and Site Information
600 7th St Request For Qualifications
600 7th St (formerly known as 801 Brannan St) - ALTA Survey (May 2018)
801 Brannan St - Soil Gas Investigation Report (Nov 2013)
801 Brannan St - Dust Monitoring Plan (Mar 2014)
801 Brannan St - Site Mitigation Plan (Mar 2014)
801 Brannan St - Site Mitigation Plan - SFDPH Approval Letter (June 2014)
801 Brannan St - Methane Mitigation System Letter to SFDPH (Sept 2014)
801 Brannan St - MOH Parcel Temporary Cap Letter (Nov 2014)
801 Brannan St - MOH Parcel Temporary Cap Amendment Memorandum (Sept 2017)
801 Brannan St - MOH Parcel Temporary Cap Amendment – SFDPH Approval Letter (Nov 2017)
801 Brannan St & 1 Henry Adams St - Planning Commission Motion No. 18792 - EIR Findings (Jan 2013)
801 Brannan St - Planning Commission Motion No. 18793 – Adopting Large Project Authorization (LPA), (Jan 2013)
1 Henry Adams St - Planning Commission Motion No. 18794 – Adopting Large Project Authorization (LPA) (Jan 2013)
600 7th St RFQ - Questions and Answers​
Submittal Documents
Attachment 1- Submittal Checklist
Attachment 2 - RFQ Registration
Attachment 3 - Respondent Description
Attachment 4 - Qualifying Project
Attachment 5 - Financing Terms for Developer's Qualifying Project
Attachment 6 - Projected Staffing Workload Form
Attachment 7 - Disclosures Form
Joyce Slen at joyce.slen@sfgov.org or 415-701-5577